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Black History Month Spotlight: Get to Know Michael Caraway, a Key Member of Our Portfolio & Project Management Team

​ As we celebrate Black History Month throughout February, we are excited to shine the spotlight on several of our colleagues who are members of our Black Employees Business Resource Group (BEBRG). 

In the Q&A below, Michael Caraway, Capital Projects Technical Services Manager, shares more about his team’s work, the benefits of being part of the BEBRG, and how he spends his time outside of work.

Can you share what your role is at SDG&E and what your typical day looks like? 

I serve as the Capital Projects Technical Services Manager, playing a pivotal role in driving innovation and ensuring high-quality​ standards through compreSpotlighthensive quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) programs. Leading a dynamic team comprising Qualified Electric Workers (QEWs), engineers, and project management professionals, our daily focus revolves around conducting constructability reviews, inspections, and leveraging data analytics to ensure the consistent adherence of our projects to the highest quality standards. In addition, I have recently taken on the responsibility of leading our permitting organization, centralizing our teams to enhance efficiency and streamline our processes while continuing to drive innovation.  

My typical day begins with a mix of team meetings, strategic planning sessions, and addressing immediate challenges, all aimed at aligning our efforts with company goals and initiatives. Since we support the electric division and gas operations, each day presents new challenges that we eagerly embrace, contributing to the excitement and fulfillment of my role. Throughout the day, I proactively engage with my team, fostering collaboration beyond routine objectives. Our interactions are driven by a shared commitment to continuous improvement and supporting all phases of a project's life cycle. The opportunity to actively participate in solving diverse problems keeps the role dynamic and exciting.  

As a member of SDG&E’s Black Employees Business Resource Group, from your perspective, what are some of the biggest benefits to being part of an Employee Resource Group (ERG)?

From my perspective, being part of an ERG like our Black Employee Business Resource Group (BEBRG) offers substantial benefits, notably by providing exposure to various parts of the business. This ERG serves as a valuable forum for collaboration and networking, allowing interactions with people from different parts of the organization. Through the BEBRG, I've developed connections with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise, fostering a sense of community and support. 

An additional advantage is the active encouragement within the BEBRG for members to explore leadership opportunities, whether through committee involvement or board positions. I personally had the rewarding experience of serving as the Director of External Affairs for the BEBRG, offering the opportunity to actively contribute and serve others. Participating in company outreach and community relations initiatives has not only provided exposure to impactful company initiatives but it has also allowed my family to actively participate as well. This engagement has been a meaningful way to make a positive impact in our community and instill values in my daughters from an early age. 

In essence, being part of the BEBRG has enriched both my personal and professional journey by providing a supportive network, avenues for growth, engagement in community initiatives, and a collaborative space that actively contributes to the advancement of diversity and inclusion within the organization.

Why is it important for SDG&E to continue to amplify Black History Month along with our other diverse awareness days/months? 

It is important for us to continue to amplify Black History Month along with our other diverse awareness days/months because it is integral to who we are as a company. Our core values emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion, and participating in the recognition of Black History Month demonstrates a commitment to creating a workplace that values and respects individuals from all backgrounds. It also provides a platform for everyone to come together, share experiences, and strengthen connections amongst each other. I am happy to be part of a company that actively engages in the celebration of Black History Month and other diverse awareness days/months because it provides opportunities for people to learn about the history, achievements, and challenges faced by others to contribute to an increase in cultural awareness. 

This year, the theme of Black History Month is “African Americans and the Arts” – is there a particular Black artist (or author, singer, actor) that you admire? 

Personally, I admire Andre 3000’s ability to fearlessly embrace his individuality and push boundaries as a trailblazer in the music industry. What resonates most about Andre 3000 is his unwavering commitment to experimentation. His willingness to break free from the norm and explore new horizons is the essence of innovation. To me, innovation is about daring to experiment, evolve, and embrace creativity, and Andre 3000 embodies these principles. His ability to seamlessly transcend through music, acting, and fashion makes him an inspirational figure to me. In honoring the theme of "African Americans and the Arts" during Black History Month, Andre 3000's contributions encourages others to explore their authenticity and embrace the limitless possibilities of self-expression.  

What are your passions outside of work? 

Outside of work, my time is primarily dedicated to supporting my daughters in their various activities, ranging from piano and theater to girl scouts, track and field, and mathnasium. Between these family commitments, I find personal enjoyment in maintaining an active lifestyle. I have a workout routine that includes weightlifting and track workouts on weekends, an activity that my wife and I, both former college track athletes, participate in with our daughters. 

Beyond physical activities, another passion of mine is improv. Initially, I got into improv as a means to overcome my fear of public speaking. What started as a fearful exercise evolved into a source of joy, allowing me to be silly, make people laugh, and connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds. The artform's philosophy of "yes, and" resonated with me, teaching the valuable lesson of accepting what is in front of you and building upon it. 

Balancing family time, workouts, and improv provide a source of balance in my life. They contribute to my personal well-being and also provides joy, connection, and laughter outside of work.   ​
