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Del Mar Project Supports Lagoon Restoration and Enhances Electric Reliability

​ To increase the reliability of the local electric system, reduce environmental impacts, and improve the visual aesthetics of coastal wetlands, our crews have started the Del Mar Reconfiguration Project.

This project consists of three phases to remove a total of thirty-five poles and six miles of existing overhead transmission lines in the Del Mar area between Via de la Valle and Sorrento Valley Road near I-5. The project began in early January and involves the installation of a new underground transmission line along Via De La Valle and the removal of utility poles from the San Dieguito Lagoon and Los Peñasquitos Lagoon.

Please note that motorists traveling through the area may encounter traffic, road closures, and detours.


​Why is this Project Important?

This project will help relieve congestion on a high voltage line that extends approximately six miles from the Del Mar substation near Via de la Valle and improve service reliability for the surrounding communities.

Secondly, the project will reduce environmental impacts in coastal wetlands near and within the San Dieguito Lagoon, Los Penasquitos Lagoon, and Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve where our crews will remove an existing power line.

Before Project
Before: Existing view from San Dieguito River Park looking north.

After Project
After: View of the proposed project results from San Dieguito River Park looking north after completion.

Project Overview and Timeline:

Phase one of the project is already underway and involves the installation of a new one-mile section of 69kV underground transmission line within Via de la Valle and two new poles on the east end in the Horse Park. We expect this phase to be complete by the end of 2022. Undergrounding of the existing distribution powerlines along Via de la Valle is not within the scope of the Del Mar Reconfiguration Project.

  • During phase one of construction, our crews are working overnight from 9 p.m. – 5 a.m. Sunday through Thursday. During this time, road closures and detours may be expected on Via de la Valle between San Andreas and El Camino Real. 

Phase two of the project is also underway and involves survey work, and construction along a 3,600-foot section of the San Dieguito Road and Racetrack View Drive, and a 600-foot section along Sorrento Valley Road near Penasquitos Creek. The existing distribution lines in these areas will be converted from overhead lines to underground later this year.

  • For phase two, construction activity will take place from 7 a.m.  –  7 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Phase three of the project will begin in September of this year and includes the reconfiguration or replacement of existing wooden distribution poles and the permanent removal of thirty-five transmission poles in the lagoon areas. We anticipate this final phase to be completed by the end of 2023.

  • For phase three the work will take place from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.  Monday through Saturday. Impacts include traffic delays and temporary lane closures, and we encourage motorists to adjust commuting plans, as necessary.

With all our construction projects, we work hard to mitigate noise, dust, and traffic impacts as much as possible. We are coordinating with local jurisdictions and permitting agencies to minimize impacts where we can. While we will strive to complete the project as expeditiously as possible, the construction schedule is subject to changes due to compliance requirements, inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances. We thank you for your patience as we work to complete this project.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have questions or concerns, please visit or contact SDG&E’s Public Affairs Manager, Claudia Valenzuela, at or 1-844-765-6388.