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Engineers Week Employee Spotlight: Chequala Fuller, Team Lead

Editor's note: In recognition of National Engineers Week (Feb. 21-27), we're celebrating employees in this field of expertise. We continue to provide clean, safe and reliable energy to the San Diego Region through their knowledge and guidance.  

While our company is thoroughly involved in community outreach, education and encouraging STEM principles, few know that we have had a longstanding partnership with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). And for our company's Engineering Team Lead, Chequala Fuller, this proved to be a deciding factor for coming on board as an employee. 

Getting Started 

Growing up, Fuller's father served in the U.S. Army, so she moved frequently. She was born in San Pedro, Calif., but her father eventually took on an assignment at Yokosuka, Japan. There, the family lived for three years, which Fuller feels provided "some of the fondest memories of my childhood." 

"It was an amazing experience," said Fuller. "Our time in Japan instilled in me a love and respect for other cultures that remains to this day." 

After Japan, her family moved to Washington state, where she spent most of her childhood. When it came time to apply to colleges, the University of Las Vegas Nevada (UNLV) proved Fuller's first choice.  

Here, she graduated with a B.S. in electrical engineering. 

Internships Pave the Way 

Enrolling in UNLV was a crucial decision for Fuller. Since our company has historically recruited from the university, suffice it to say, the opportunity piqued her interest. Like several other engineers at our company, she got her first-hand experience through our internship program in the summer of 2011. 

Fuller enjoyed her internship so much that she returned the next year, determined to continue the work. 

"I learned rather quickly that, to become an expert in this field, is that you have to learn by throwing yourself into the mix," said Fuller. "It's also crucial to network and identify necessary resources to fill a position/role and then tap into that. I can't harp enough about networking, as it is the backbone for an engineer's success." 

Work/Life Advice 

Fuller points to the Multipurpose Mobile Battery approved for pre-commercial application regarding projects that she takes pride in. She adds that this project has challenged her in ways that she was yet to experience at our company. 

Despite these challenges, she tapped into her resources, leaning on them to see this project through. 

She adds that her team, the Energy Distribution group, "Interfaces with the community regularly. What's most rewarding, in this position, whether large or small, is the feedback that we receive directly from the communities we serve." 

Through her fascinating life, Fuller has acquired a good deal of everyday wisdom. And she is more than happy to share this insight with others. 

"My best piece of advice would be that 'the only person that you're competing with is yourself," she said. "In work and life, if I try to be the best version of myself – and not compare myself to others – I will be successful. If I'm winning, everyone is winning, and vice versa." 

Thank you, Chequala Fuller, for your wisdom and enlightened approach to your work!