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Getting to Know the SDG&E Green Team with Senior Environmental Specialist Liz Imada

The SDG&E Green Team educates and empowers employees to be environmental stewards at home, work, and in their community while helping us meet our company sustainability goals. Learn more about the work this team leads thanks to stand-out Green Team members SDG&E Senior Environmental Specialist Liz Imada.  

Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at SDG&E? 

I started as an in-house contractor with SDG&E Environmental Services in 2014 and was hired to the Natural Resources team in 2016. I serve as the district biologist for the Northeast and Ramona districts, as well as a reviewer on hundreds of capital and O&M projects each year. I manage SDG&E’s existing long-term programmatic permit, the Subregional Natural Community Conservation (NCCP) and Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). I am also helping to implement our new, amended HCP, which will debut later this year.  

Why do you care about sustainability? 

I love the outdoors. There are so many incredible places on this earth, and for better or for worse, humans have a significant and direct impact on our planet with every decision we make and every action we take. I believe that it’s our responsibility as residents and stewards of the earth to use the time and the talents we are given to leave our home a little bit better off each day. 

What prompted you to get involved in the SDG&E Green Team?  

Through my day-to-day job responsibilities on SDG&E’s Natural Resources team, I help minimize our company footprint on the environment and reduce our effects on the many sensitive species and unique habitats that San Diego provides. But much of this is done from my desk -- making permitting decisions and implementing construction protocols during the project planning phase. I love participating on the Green Team because it gives me the opportunity to get out in the field and interact with our community members, oftentimes immediately in these special habitats we work so hard to protect every day. It really reinforces that all the hours we put in at the office actually do matter. 

What is one of your favorite activities with the Green Team? 

One of my favorite annual events is Coastal Cleanup Day, since so many community members in San Diego and across the world all contribute together to make a positive change in our environment, all at the same time. Many Green Team members participate in this event, which is part of the Environmental All Stars volunteer series organized by SDG&E Community Relations.  

What advice could you offer others on making more sustainable choices at work or at home? 

Always be looking for ways to reduce your footprint in your daily life and find ways to cut out single-use items wherever you can. Bring reusable grocery bags to the store. Pack a lunch in Tupperware with regular cutlery, instead of buying lunch that comes in a disposable take-out container with single-use cutlery. If you can borrow or rent an item you only need for a short period, do that instead of buying it. Participate in your neighborhood Buy Nothing group to keep still-usable household goods and clothes out of the landfill. There are so many simple ways to lighten your impact on the earth!