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Hard Work of Sequestered SDG&E Employees Featured by San Diego Union Tribune

Editor's Note: 12 SDG&E employees have volunteered for sequestration to ensure COVID-19 safety measures are met while continuing safe, reliable grid operations. These employees live at their job site, working 12-hour shifts for 14 days straight apart from their families. We couldn't be more proud and grateful for the work of our team to keep the lights on and natural gas flowing during this time. Their work was recently featured in the below article from the San Diego Union Tribune.

Two teams of six working 14-day shifts at the utility’s mission control 


MAY 20, 2020

5:30 AM

Transmission system operator Blain Adams is one of 12 employees at San Diego Gas & Electric who has volunteered to take the classification of “essential worker” to the extreme.

To make sure the electrical grid stays up and running during the COVID-19 pandemic, Adams works a 12-hour shift for 14 consecutive days. And instead of going to his home in Normal Heights at the end of his workday, the 36-year-old heads to a recreational vehicle in a parking lot at SDG&E to get some rest before heading back to Mission Control the next day.

Read the rest of this story from the San Diego Union Tribune here.