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Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Ed Soto's Volunteerism Connects Him to His Roots

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, we are proud to spotlight Ed Soto, our Field Utility Specialist and volunteer enthusiast.

Where It All Began

Ed was born in San Diego, but his family is originally from Oaxaca, Mexico. Many of his most memorable volunteer opportunities are tied to his heritage and the beauty of a community that supports each other through difficult times. 

From San Diego to Oaxaca

Ed has been a proud supporter of a grassroots organization in North County known as COCIO, Coalición de Comunidades Indígenas Oaxaqueñas (Coalition of Oaxacan Indigenous Communities). COCIO has provided Ed with volunteer opportunities that keep him connected to his Mexican roots. He was able to organize a Kermes, a traditional Mexican festival oftentimes held in support of a cause or fundraiser. This Kermes was extra special since it was held in his father’s hometown of Agua Blanca in Oaxaca, Mexico. Together, volunteers gathered to rebuild a church and enjoyed Oaxacan festival traditions.​


For Ed, there’s nothing like being outdoors, and volunteering with the nonprofit ProduceGood gives him the opportunity to enjoy a morning outside while supporting a cause that hits close to home: food-insecurity in our region. “I have been volunteering since the age of 10. The most rewarding part about volunteering is knowing that my work and efforts have a direct positive impact on the lives of multiple people," says Ed. Aside from helping with produce collection and distribution, Ed’s volunteering in San Diego also includes land restoration and biodiversity conservation with Earth Discovery Institute and Groundwork San Diego. “It gives me an appreciation for the various services I received when I was a child. During school breaks, I remember having to visit food banks for meals and local parks for lunches that the city would provide. Though they were not the best meals, having some real fruit often made the difference.”

Hispanic Heritage Month

This Hispanic Heritage Month, Ed is reflecting on the delicious foods, lively traditions and the generosity his heritage has filled his life with. He is also celebrating his one-year anniversary with the company! He is proud to be a part of such a diverse workforce, especially when we all come together to support our community through volunteer efforts.

“We can all still find some common ground that unites us.”

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication, Ed!​
