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The Importance of Partnership: SDG&E Joins Forces with the American Heart Association and San Diego Black Nurses Association

(SAN DIEGO – Feb. 10, 2021) -- With heart health top-of-mind for many, SDG&E is proud to partner with the American Heart Association and San Diego Black Nurses Association by sponsoring an "Empowered to Know Your Numbers" digital webinar taking place on Thursday, February 11.

The webinar is open to anyone interested in learning more about their blood pressure and how to manage it. The content will be especially beneficial to those with at-home blood pressure monitors, as the webinar will cover how to get an accurate reading at home, understanding what blood pressure is, what readings mean, and how to partner with their healthcare team to make small lifestyle changes that will have a big impact. 

High blood pressure, the preventable and treatable silent killer, is the second leading cause of heart disease and stroke death — second only to smoking. High blood pressure is often an indicator of increased risk for other diseases, including kidney disease and vision loss. Hypertension is also an underlying condition in 42% of San Diego County COVID-19 associated deaths.

The American Heart Association is committed to empowering communities to live longer, healthier lives by giving them the tools, resources and support to make informed and healthy decisions.

“For over 20 years, SDG&E has been a proud supporter of the American Heart Association. This year, we are especially proud to support the Go Red Community Empowerment Initiative and partnership with the Black Nurses Association and the County of San Diego,” said Pedro Villegas, Director of Community Relations for SDG&E. “Together, we can improve heart health awareness and education for all.”

Click here to register for this free seminar.
