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Keeping Cool and Safe as Heatwave Brings High Temperatures

With a long-duration heatwave bringing in high temperatures, we wanted to be sure you’re prepared with some energy efficient tips for keeping cool at home, as well as some information for summer and wildfire safety.

The California Independent System Operator (ISO) is expected to issue a statewide Flex Alert calling for energy conservation for the rest of this prolonged heatwave. With excessively high temperatures forecast for much of California, the statewide power grid operator is predicting an increase in electricity demand, primarily from residential air conditioning use. You can visit Flex Alert for energy-savings tips that can help you conserve.

Additional tips include:
Energy tips

  1. Block heat from the sun. During the hot hours of the day, cover windows to block the sun’s heat. Opening windows in the evening can help your home cool back down.
  2. Use ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are an efficient way to cool your home.
  3. Maintain your air conditioner. Follow manufacturer instructions for maintaining your air conditioning unit to ensure it’s operating efficiently. Change the filter every 1-2 months.
  4. Turn down your water heater by a few degrees. Many water heaters are set higher than the temperature we actually use. Reducing this by a few degrees can reduce your energy costs.
  5. DIY Project: Weatherproof your home. Weather strip and caulk drafty windows and doors to keep cool air in and warm air out.

If you’re on a Time-of-Use plan, remember that shifting some energy use outside the hours of 4-9 p.m. can also result in savings on your energy bill. Regardless of your payment plan, if you’re worried about spikes in your energy bill during summer, consider our Level Pay program. Level pay averages out your costs throughout the year, making your energy bill more predictable and easier to budget for.

Summer Safety

  1. Don’t chain or overload power strips. We know spending more time at home, especially when it’s hot, can lead to the need to plug in a large number of devices. Be mindful of how many devices you plug in, and never chain power strips together. Both can result in fire danger.
  2. Use air conditioners safely. Avoid plugging air conditioners into extension cords or power strips. Always keep the area around your air conditioning unit clear of anything that could easily catch fire.
  3. Clean clothes dryer vents and lint filters thoroughly. Keeping dryer vents and lint filters clean not only helps your machine run more efficiently, but it also mitigates fire danger as a buildup of lint inside your dryer runs a risk of catching fire.

Following home safety tips for fire prevention is a great first step for keeping your home and family safe. Remember to always think through your emergency plan if a fire or other emergency does happen in your area. You can find checklists to help you make sure you and your loved ones are prepared here.

We’re committed to helping our customers stay safe and informed throughout the year. For more information on summer safety, efficiency tips and available programs to help with your summer energy costs, visit