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Many More Local Residents Now Eligible For Free Energy Efficiency Home Improvements

Income Cap Raised for the Energy Savings Assistance Program

More than 40,000 additional renters and homeowners in the region could be eligible for the Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA), which provides free home improvements to income-qualified households to make their residence more energy efficient and save on their energy bill.

Effective July 1, the Energy Savings Assistance Program revised its eligibility criteria, increasing the income cap for a family of four from $55,500 to $69,375. Customers whose income is up to 250% of federal poverty guidelines are now eligible. This change means that more customers than ever will qualify for the program, and customers who did not qualify in the past may now be eligible for assistance.

“The home upgrades provided under the Energy Savings Assistance Program not only help our customers save money, but they can also make their residence more comfortable,” said SDG&E Customer Programs Director Hollie Bierman. “Furthermore, our region as a whole benefits because energy efficiency is critical to meeting local climate goals.”

ESA participants could receive the following products and installation. What they receive is customized according to their individual situation and the condition of their residence.  

  • Smart thermostats
  • Attic insulation
  • Energy-efficient lighting
  • Door weather-stripping
  • Replacement of qualified appliances such as refrigerators or AC wall units
  • Caulking
  • Minor home repairs
  • Low-flow showerheads
  • Water heater blankets

There are two ways to qualify for the program – either based on household income or participation in public assistance programs, such as Medi-Cal/Medicaid, CalFresh, Women, Infants, Children (WIC) and Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, among others. The program’s income eligibility criteria are updated annually to adjust for changes in the federal poverty line.

Once a customer submits an ESA application – available online at, an SDG&E program contractor will visit the applicant’s home and help them determine if they are eligible for the program and help them complete all the necessary paperwork. If a customer is accepted into the program, the contractor will come back out again to make the improvements, and the customer may receive an additional inspection of the new improvements.

To speak directly with someone to see if you qualify for this and other programs, call our authorized outreach and assessment contractors.