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National Poison Prevention Week Observed March 14-20

As we continue to spend the majority of our time at home, we'd like to remind our customers about the dangers of poison. This week is National Poison Prevention Week, which highlights the dangers of poisonings for people of all ages and promotes community involvement in poisoning prevention.

Poison comes in four forms: solids (such as medicine pills or tablets), liquids (such as household cleaners including bleach), sprays (such as spray cleaners) and gases (such as carbon monoxide). 

Some poisons may be harmful if they come into direct contact with your eyes or skin. Others may be toxic if you breathe them or swallow them.

To avoid the risk of poisoning for you or a loved one, please refer to the following tips:

  • Keep all potential poisons, medications and vitamins out of reach of children -- in a locked storage container or cabinet if possible. Destroy all expired medications, or return them to your doctor.
  • Be sure to separate any food from household cleaning items.
  • Never use food containers to store poisonous materials.
  • Ensure that your carbon monoxide alarm is in working order. 

Most consumer products are safe if label directions are followed, but some can be poisonous if used incorrectly.

For more information, please visit the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration Poison Prevention website, including prevention tips and poison help video. Also, if you or a loved one comes into contact with poison, contact the California Poison Control System at 1.800.222.1222.