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New Statewide Transmission Plan Approved to Meet CA’s Grid Reliability and Clean Energy Goals

California is moving one step closer to achieving a highly reliable, clean energy grid, thanks to an important decision made by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) this week to adopt the organization’s 2022-2023 Transmission Plan.

This infrastructure plan outlines transformative investments that are needed over the next decade for California to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, while keeping the lights on. The CAISO Board of Governors approved the plan at its May 18 meeting, creating a pathway for the infrastructure improvements to be made over the next decade.

“We applaud CAISO for its visionary plan for building out a 21st century grid capable of integrating vast amounts of renewable energy and meeting significant growth in electricity demand, as more Californians switch to zero-emission vehicles and electric appliances,” said SDG&E CEO Caroline Winn.

“To sustain the world’s 4th largest economy, California needs a diverse mix of clean energy resources and robust energy delivery infrastructure – all interconnected via a modern network of power lines.”

Electricity consumption in California is expected to soar in the coming decades – potentially doubling between 2020 and 2045, requiring a dramatic expansion of the energy network. State policies, as well as local policies established by cities and counties in our region, are driving economywide electrification, most notably in the transportation and the building sectors.

Starting in 2030, sales of new natural gas furnaces and water heaters will be prohibited in California. And starting in 2035, new cars and light-duty trucks sold in California must be zero-emission. Most of the zero-emission vehicles on the road today are plug-in electric vehicles that are powered partly or entirely by electricity.


A nonprofit public benefit corporation, CAISO oversees electric infrastructure planning and manages the flow of electricity across the high-voltage, long-distance power lines for the grid serving 80 percent of California and a small part of Nevada.

To learn more about CAISO’s Transmission Plan, visit caiso-2022-2023-transmission-plan-approved.pdf.