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Oct. 15: Energy-Saving Tips That Make a Difference During A Flex Alert

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which manages the state’s electric grid, has issued a statewide Flex Alert, a call for voluntary electricity conservation, from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. today.

With high temperatures in the forecast, the power grid operator predicts an increase in electricity demand, primarily from air conditioning use. The temperatures are above normal for this time of year, creating an anticipated shortage in energy supply in the late afternoon hours through the evening.

As a result, we’re asking you to please do what you can to safely conserve energy during that time. Simple tips are provided below.  

SDG&E is in close contact with the CAISO and will alert you via a phone call, text message or email if the situation worsens and the need for rotating outages arises. Please follow us on Twitter (@sdge) for near real-time updates. We’ll also post information to our other social channels, as well as and our NewsCenter, and update the news media frequently.  

Please stay safe and healthy.  

Energy-Saving Tips

  • Set your air conditioner thermostat a few degrees higher (ideally at 78 degrees or higher) and pre-cool your home before 3 p.m. then close the shades.  If your safety permits, turn off the AC during a power emergency
  • Pre-cook meals early
  • Use large appliances, such as dishwashers, clothes washers, and dryers before 3 p.m. or after 9 p.m.
  • Keep the doors of your refrigerator and freezer closed
  • Reduce pool pump filtering
  • Switch off all unnecessary lighting (for businesses, turn off advertising signs and display/flood/decorative lighting)
  • If your safety permits, cut down on water use because water pumping/processing requires electricity 
  • Don’t charge electric vehicles until the emergency has passed 
  • Defer or reduce all non-essential use of commercial and industrial equipment, such as boilers, exhaust fans, reproduction equipment, maintenance and repair equipment, dispensing machines, intercoms, cleaning equipment, circulating pumps and electric chargers.

For information on Flex Alerts, to get more electricity conservation tips, and to sign up for conservation alerts, visit the ISO’s Flex Alert website.