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Red Cross Honors SDG&E with Community Partner Award

Citing our long-standing commitment to collaboration with local organizations to enhance regional preparedness, the American Red Cross of the San Diego/Imperial Counties honored San Diego Gas & Electric with the “Community Partner Award” last Friday.

SDG&E was among ten individuals and organizations recognized at the Red Cross’ 17th Annual Real Heroes Breakfast.

In honoring SDG&E with the Partnership Award, the Red Cross singled out our company’s wildfire safety efforts: “Due in large part to SDG&E’s support and commitment to public safety, San Diego is one of the best-prepared regions in the world when it comes to wildfire monitoring and response capabilities. As the region’s response capabilities advance, SDG&E has consistently been a partner and community pillar, committed to improving systems, protocols and tools to keep the community safe.”

Our Chief Operating Officer Caroline Winn accepted the award on behalf of the company. “We at SDG&E know that none of us is more than all of us together and we’re really tackling wildfire safety and keeping our community safe as a partnership,” she said. “Our region’s high level of emergency preparedness and resiliency are the results of long-standing collaboration among many organizations.”

The awards ceremony took place on a day when the San Diego region was under a Red Flag Warning due to high fire danger associated with the arrival of Santa Ana winds. SDG&E’s Emergency Operations Center was activated and working in close coordination with regional public safety agencies. In her award acceptance speech, Winn pointed to the circumstances of that day as another example of why partnerships are crucial to protecting our communities.

To enhance our region’s capabilities to respond to disasters, SDG&E funds the American Red Cross’ Prepare San Diego program, which provides educational resources to help people develop family disaster plans and create emergency kits.

Paying Tribute to Community Heroes
At the Real Heroes Breakfast, SDG&E also helped put the spotlight on honorees who embody the mission and spirit of the Red Cross by saving lives and creating safer, stronger and more resilient communities.

Our Director of Planning, Design, Construction and Vegetation Management Tashonda Taylor presented the Youth Good Samaritan Award to 17-year old Morse High School senior and social justice advocate Karolyn Curtis. Karolyn is president of Morse’s One World Club, which highlights social injustice and provides food and clothing to local families in need. In March 2019, she organized the high school’s inaugural Walk for Peace event.

To learn more about Karolyn and other honorees, click here.