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Scammers are targeting SDG&E customers – Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself

As part of an ongoing effort to keep our customers informed and safe from criminal fraud, we want to remind you to be suspicious of anyone posing as an SDG&E customer service professional. 

The scams we’re seeing involve threatening to turn off a customer’s power unless they offer up immediate payment for a past-due bill.  This scenario is particularly dangerous as some of these phone calls are made to look as if they’re coming from our official number.

This is a common scam called caller ID-spoofing

The technique involves disguising their real identity by deliberately falsifying the information being transmitted to your caller ID. Usually, the caller alters the caller ID information to make it look like someone legitimate is calling. For example, in the case of utility scams, the criminals would make it look like SDG&E is calling.

What you need to know

SDG&E will never proactively contact customers to get their credit card, banking or other financial information over the phone. Even if you have a past-due balance that needs to be paid, we will always provide past-due notices in writing and work with you on payment before shutting off the service.

If you’re suspicious, hang up!

  • If you receive a phone call from a person claiming to work for SDG&E and the caller asks for payment over the phone, it is a scam.
  • Never provide financial information by telephone unless you made the call.
  • Contact us directly at 1-800-411-7343 if you have any questions or concerns about an outstanding balance.

Imposters at your door

Next time someone claiming to work for SDG&E seeks to enter your home or business, check to make sure:

  1. They are wearing a real SDG&E uniform
  2.  They’ll show you their company identification card
  3. They arrived in an SDG&E-marked company vehicle

If you are still suspicious, please call SDG&E at 1-800-411-7343.

Scams involving cryptocurrencies and prepaid cards

Some scammers have reached out to our customers via email and cell phone to threaten service shutoff if they don’t make immediate payments using cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or pre-paid debit cards.

In this scam, the con artist calls the victim on the phone and then emails him an online payment method, which features SDG&E’s logo and a QR code (akin to a bar code) to a payment site using BitCoin or prepaid cards.

Text message and mobile app scams

Some scammers have begun to solicit money from customers via mobile devices. Mobile apps and text messaging make it easier than ever for criminals to demand and collect payment. Mobile payment apps are convenient, and busy or distracted customers can fall prey to scams.

Don’t be the next victim

Criminals work year-round to come up with new ways to defraud people. We intend to work harder to make sure you know what to do if you are targeted. Arm yourself with information by visiting

If you believe you might have been a victim of fraud, please call us immediately at 800-411-7343 to report it. You can also follow these additional tips to avoid becoming a victim of utility scams.