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SDG&E Announces Planting of 300 Trees in Allied Gardens

Trees help beautify our communities, improve air quality, and help meet our region’s climate goals.

Today, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), in partnership with the City of San Diego and District 7 Council Member Raul Campillo, announced the planting of 300 trees in Allied Gardens, including 11 different tree species. 

“Urban greening projects like the one taking place right here today are such an important part of our work to build climate resilient communities,” said Brittany Syz, SDG&E’s Director of Environmental Services & Sustainability.

As part of the franchise Energy Cooperation Agreement between SDG&E and the City, the two entities are collaborating to plant more than 2,500 trees in various communities over ten years to help meet the goals of the city’s Climate Action Plan

This is the second tree planting of its kind. In March, SDG&E and the City worked together to plant more than 400 trees in City Heights. SDG&E is funding the planting and the City will water and maintain the new trees. 

“Expanding our urban forests in San Diego is critical in our fight against climate change. That is why I partnered with SDG&E and the City’s Urban Forestry Department to plant over 300 trees in Allied Gardens,” said Councilmember, Raul Campillo. “These trees provide long-term environmental benefits to help capture carbon, energy savings provided by shade, storm water runoff reduction, and cleaner air.”

Increasing the city’s urban forest provides many long-term environmental, health, aesthetic, and economic benefits, as trees can help capture carbon, remove air pollution, reduce stormwater runoff, improve property value, and provide shade to reduce energy use in buildings.  

According to the  Arbor Day Foundation, a mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in a year and release oxygen in exchange.

We look forward to our continued collaboration that will plant 2,500 trees to support a more sustainable future for our community.