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SDG&E Announces This Year's Environmental Champions Grantees

More than a decade ago, we created the shareholder-funded Environmental Champions grant program to further promote catalyze environmental progress in our region. Since that time, hundreds of local organizations have benefitted from grants ranging from $2,500 - $25,000. This year, we are happy to announce that 70 organizations have been awarded Environmental Champions grants, with a cumulative local investment of close to $1.5M. 

Focus Areas 

Our 2021 Environmental Champions grantees put forward climate action projects that focused on one or more of the following areas: urban greening, climate literacy and clean transportation. Priority was given to programs and organizations that serve low-income, diverse and under-invested communities.  

New this year, SDG&E designated funding specifically to support urban greening projects, in the form of school or community gardens, tree planting projects, small-scale habitat restoration or other planting projects. The hope is that these efforts will move our region closer to its climate action target goals.  

Keep An Eye Out 

Over the next several weeks,our Community Relations team will be visiting our grantees to share the good news and deliver the grants. You can follow along on our social media channels – as our environmental partners put those grants to work.  

To learn more about the Environmental Champions program and other shareholder-funded community investments, visit