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SDG&E Prepared for Incoming Santa Ana Wind Conditions

Posted as of 4:15 p.m., Nov. 17, 2019

Power has been restored to 20 of 21 customers in the unincorporated area of Descanso, where power was turned off for public safety due to fire danger associated with high winds.

Prior to restoring power, SDG&E crews inspected power lines in the area to ensure that it was safe to re-energize them.

We recognize Public Safety Power Shutoffs are disruptive, and we sincerely thank our customers for their patience and understanding.

Posted as of 6 a.m., Nov. 17, 2019

The safety of the public, our customers and employees is our highest priority.

Due to high winds and dangerous weather conditions, we have turned off power to 21 customers in the unincorporated area of Descanso and Alpine to help ensure public safety.

We recognize public safety power shutoffs are disruptive, and we sincerely thank our customers for their patience and understanding.

Posted 6 p.m., Nov. 16, 2019

A localized area of San Diego’s backcountry is expected to experience Santa Ana winds Sunday from 1 a.m. through 6 p.m., with winds expected to peak post sunrise in the unincorporated area of Descanso.  

SDG&E’s meteorology team is closely monitoring the weather as windy conditions can elevate fire risk in the backcountry. To protect fire-prone communities, SDG&E may need to turn off power for safety.

On Saturday (11/16) around 1 p.m., SDG&E made notifications to 19 customers who live in high risk areas that could potentially be impacted by a Public Safety Power Shutoff. These notifications were made via multiple channels: outbound dialer calls, text messages, and emails.

Based on current weather trends, SDG&E projects the unincorporated area of Descanso could experience Public Safety Power Shutoffs. (A map of the areas that could potentially be affected is posted at

Customers who have received alerts from us are encouraged to activate their personal emergency preparedness plan and have emergency supplies on hand, including water, food, flashlights, extra batteries, and battery packs for their smart phones.

Sign Up for Notifications

Everyone is encouraged to sign up to receive alerts from SDG&E at so they can stay up to date on potential public safety power shutoffs.

If you have a loved one living in an area that could potentially be affected and you are not an SDG&E account holder, you can still sign up for notifications by ZIP code.

SDG&E's Preparations Ahead of Santa Ana Wind Event

In preparation for the potential fire danger associated with the Santa Ana winds, SDG&E has taken the following precautionary steps:

  • We will activate our Emergency Operations Center starting early Sunday and will remain activated for the duration of the Red Flag Warning.
  • Non-essential electrical maintenance work in fire-prone areas has been canceled.
  • Pre-staged resources, such as contract firefighters, and field personnel to troubleshoot and coordinate emergency response. Our aerial firefighting resources, including our helitanker (SkyMaverick) and Blackhawk, are ready to go from their base at Gillespie if called upon by CALFIRE.