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SDG&E Shares Progress on Sustainability Programs

Sustainability is not something new at SDG&E. From energy conservation programs in the 1970s to our work today electrifying transportation, developing cleaner fuels and deploying new storage and microgrid projects that help make our region more resilient to climate change – sustainability is our business strategy at SDG&E.

In 2020, SDG&E release our first Sustainability Strategy. Since then, our 4,600+ employees have worked alongside organizations and individuals in all sectors of our economy to make help make positive change for the region we call home.

Last week, Sempra published its 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report, which highlights the progress SDG&E and others have made to developing safe, innovative solutions to advance a reliable and equitable clean energy future for the customers we are proud to serve. Included within the report is a chapter dedicated to the work that SDG&E is leading as we continue to build healthier, safer and stronger communities. In 2022, SDG&E helped to

  • Create safer, more resilient communities through collaboration
    SDG&E’s top priority is keeping employees, customers and the community safe, which includes making the region more resilient to climate change and the increased risk of wildfires, while strengthening energy systems to deliver cleaner energy reliably. For example, in 2022, we launched a Virtual Power Plant pilot in Shelter Valley. This was a goal that we first set in 2020 as a way to help strengthen community and grid resilience. 
  • Build a stronger, more equitable economy through investment and training
    SDG&E helps to build a stronger community and economy by investing in climate-resilient energy infrastructure, expanding access to clean energy and providing quality jobs and training to help foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace. One way we help support a stronger community is by engaging small, diverse and local businesses in our supply chain. In 2022, we spent almost $1 billion (nearly 40% of our total procurement) with diverse business enterprises – and $470 million of that was with local diverse suppliers. 
  • Support a healthier region through environmental stewardship
    SDG&E is committed to helping enable a just and equitable energy transition that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, improves air quality and provides clean energy reliably and affordably. We help create healthier communities by making our own operations more sustainable. To date we have electrified about 23% of our light-duty fleet, meeting an important milestone as we work to operate a 100% zero-emissions fleet by 2035. We also delivered over 10,000 trees throughout our communities to support biodiversity, improve air quality and beautify our region. This is the second year in a row that we have met this goal.

SDG&E recognizes that taking climate action is critical for our state and is grateful to be part of a community that cares deeply about a sustainable and equitable future for our region. Our sustainability strategy is centered on people – employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and stakeholders – and their feedback shapes the goals and initiatives that we pursue. We hope you will take a moment to read about the progress we’ve made and the steps we are taking to help our state meet our shared climate goals. You can read the report and share your feedback at ​​​​​


Moving forward, SDG&E will report annual sustainability data through Sempra’s Corporate Sustainability Report, published each Spring. And we will continue to publish updates throughout the year on the SDG&E News Center (