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SDG&E's Commitment to Achieving Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2045

On March 23, 2021, SDG&E announced a climate pledge of reaching Net Zero GHG emissions by 2045. NetZero

This climate pledge includes scopes 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions, which would eliminate not only SDG&E's own direct emissions, but also those generated by customers' consumption of energy.

SDG&E also supports California’s aggressive sustainability goals, America’s most ambitious, that call for statewide carbon neutrality by 2045.

In October 2020, SDG&E released its first-ever Sustainability Strategy — Building a Better Future. This robust strategy highlights SDG&E’s commitment to long-term sustainability and includes a variety of aspirational goals. 

Fact Sheet: Net Zero GHG emissions by 2045