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Stay Warm and Keep Energy Costs Down with These Tips

Winter is here in full force – the weather has been chilly and more than a few winter storms have already touched down in the region. The winter season brings with it a natural increase in the use of electricity and gas to keep your home warm and well-lit over the next several months.

To ensure you and your family stay comfortable over winter without significant spikes in your energy bill, we have compiled some energy savings tips to help.

Turn Down Your Water Heater Temperature – turning down the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit – generally considered the maximum safe hot water temperature – can help you save on energy costs and avoid scalding. Most water heaters are automatically set at 140 degrees.

Let Sunshine In – natural light and sunshine can help heat any room quickly. Help keep your home warm by opening blinds or curtains of south-facing windows on sunny days.  

Install Weather Stripping and Seal Leaks – heat can escape your home if there are gaps in doorways and windows, and unfinished spaces behind cupboards and closets. Caulk or weather strip areas around doors, windows and unfinished spaces to keep the heat in your home.

Maintain Your Heating System and Air Filters – schedule a review and service of your heating system and filters to ensure your equipment is working efficiently and effectively. Replacing or cleaning your home’s air filters can dramatically reduce your energy consumption and bill.

Switch Your Ceiling Fan’s Blade Rotation – hot air rises, so reversing your ceiling fan’s blade rotation can help push warm air back down to you and your family. In the winter, ceiling fan blades should run clockwise, and in the summer, they should run counterclockwise.  

Install a Smart Thermostat – investing in a smart thermostat can help you schedule times to turn on and off the furnace. Controlling the temperature of your home while you are away or asleep can help dramatically reduce unnecessary energy use. To get a smart deal on a smart thermostat, check out SDG&E’s Marketplace for rebates, price comparisons and customer ratings.

Reduce Heat Loss from Fireplaces – when you are not using your fireplace, be sure to close your fireplace damper so you do not allow warm air to escape through the chimney.

How Do I Track My Energy Use?

You can easily monitor your energy use by signing up for My Account. Use the My Energy Tab on My Account to subscribe to energy alerts via email or text when your energy use or spending goal reaches a certain limit.