“The biggest red flag for me is when someone says, ‘This is the way we’ve always done it.’” For Davin Waite, co-founder of The Plot restaurant, finding new ways to make delicious food is his bread and (vegan) butter. Running a restaurant committed to zero-waste and embracing regenerative farming practices – improving the land rather than depleting it – can be challenging. But Waite’s determination and collaborative nature have always been part of his secret sauce. “Humans can do a lot of cool things when we put our minds together.”
The Plot’s unique approach and role as a pillar of the community are among the reasons the popular eatery was awarded a 2023 Restaurants Care Grant, supported by SDG&E. The restaurant’s commitment to environmental stewardship also resonates as it aligns with our values and daily practices. Over the past decade, we have made significant progress to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Don’t be afraid to start because you’re scared of doing it wrong. Humans can do a lot of cool things when we put our minds together.
Davin Waite
Grab a seat at The Plot, and you’ll quickly see things are a little different here. The daily menu is determined mostly by what’s currently flourishing in their on-site garden. Stems, flowers and petals — ingredients typically tossed aside at other restaurants, are up for grabs in their kitchen. Chef Lydia Ornelas uses avocado seeds to make mole sauce — a favorite among regulars. “We’re always looking for byproducts we can use to highlight our dishes.” The result is a diverse offering filled with unexpected and exciting flavors that please the palate and save the planet at the same time.

At SDG&E, our goal is to divert 100% of our organic green waste, particularly from vegetation management, from entering landfills by 2030.
Like The Plot, SDG&E’s commitment to sustainability is built into everything we do; It’s woven into our existing operations and baked into planning for future projects. We’re always working to minimize our environmental impact, including diverting 100% of our organic green waste from entering landfills by 2030. And we’re working to ensure that all new construction follows stringent green building standards with 14 U.S. Green Building LEED-certified buildings and more on the way.
From soil to spoon, The Plot and its staff bring culinary creativity and good energy to everything they do. Waite describes their process as more of a journey than a destination. “It’s about constantly asking how we can do better.” And at SDG&E, we couldn’t be more excited to join them and help power that journey.