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Team SDG&E/Sempra Joined Coastal Cleanup Day for 18th Consecutive Year!

​About 200 of our employees along with their families and friends joined thousands of volunteers today to clean up and beautify over 100 sites throughout San Diego County as part of Coastal Cleanup Day.

The annual Coastal Cleanup Day is the largest environmental volunteer event of the year. The local environmental nonprofit organization, I Love A Clean San Diego, has been organizing this countywide event for more than three decades. We are proud to help sponsor this massive undertaking. Removing trash before it ends up in our inland and coastal waters has an immediate positive impact on our environment.

This is the 18th consecutive year that Team Sempra/SDG&E rolled up our sleeves to volunteer at Coastal Cleanup Day. We picked up litter and participated in beautification activities at four sites countywide – in Escondido, Del Mar, Mission Bay and Southcrest. Among the participants was our CEO and Chairman, Kevin Sagara (left), who joined a group to repaint a hot coal disposable container in Mission Bay. 

Team SDG&E/Sempra painting hot coal receptacle at Mission Bay

An International Effort

Coastal Cleanup Day is not just a local effort. It’s an international effort. It was estimated that one million volunteers from all 50 states and more than 100 countries participated.

Last year’s countywide efforts drew 6,808 volunteers at 106 coastal and inland cleanup sites. Nearly 140,000 pounds of litter were removed.  

Get Rewarded for Clean-Up Efforts with the Padres

The Padres offered discounted tickets for their game on Sept. 24 against our rival, the LA Dodgers, to reward volunteers who spent their Saturday morning cleaning up San Diego. This effort is part of Going to Bat for San Diego, a partnership between the San Diego Padres and SDG&E to keep our communities clean and safe.