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Valley Fire Power Restoration Update

Update as of 9:07 p.m., Sept. 11, 2020

Power restoration efforts continue for customers impacted by the Valley Fire. SDG&E crews worked through the night and power is back on to all but 142 customers, who could be without power until Tuesday. Given heavy damage to poles in rough terrain, remaining work requires equipment to be flown in. Work includes digging holes for the remaining 70 poles, setting poles and restringing conductor (line). All available SDG&E crews, as well as contractors, are in the area working – A total of 47 crews, totaling 150 people. SDG&E is maximizing the number of crews that can safely navigate the terrain in order to restore power to remaining customers.

Update as of 8:30 p.m., Sept. 9, 2020

Power has been restored to more than half of the approximately 4,000 customers impacted by the Valley Fire. SDG&E crews have nearly completed fire damage assessments and so far have determined that 80-90 power poles need to be replaced. Repairs are ongoing and power is expected to be restored tomorrow and Friday to most of the 1,500 customers who remain without power. Given heavy damage to 63 poles located in rough terrain, about 400 customers could be without power until Sunday. SDG&E air resources have supported fire suppression, including dropping more than 400,000 gallons of water on the fire. Thank you for your patience while our crews work as quickly and safely as possible. 

Update as of 11:45 a.m., Sept. 9, 2020

  • SDG&E crews are working to address outages caused by the Valley Fire’s impact on electrical equipment.
  • Crews began inspections of equipment and making repairs in areas where emergency responders have said it is safe to do so.
  • Approximately 1,700 customers in the vicinity of the Valley Fire are still without power, which may be out for several more days.
  • Providing an exact estimate on when power might be restored is extremely difficult until crews gain full access to the area to assess damage and determine what repairs are necessary to ensure safe operation of the system.
  • The company will continue to provide updates via social media, and direct communications with affected customers via phone calls, emails and text messages. For real-time updates regarding outages and restoration, please visit

Update as of 6:30 p.m., Sept. 8, 2020

Due to extreme wildfire conditions, customers impacted by the Valley Fire could remain without power for several more days or longer. As soon as first responders grant us access to the area, our crews will begin assessing damage, make needed repairs and restore service as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Update as of 8:20 p.m., Sept. 5, 2020

  • SDG&E has activated its Emergency Operations Center and is closely monitoring the Valley Fire.
  • The Valley Fire is impacting SDG&E equipment in the vicinity of the fire causing power outages in the area. Power will remain out overnight for some customers in the area.
  • SDG&E is coordinating closely with the CalFire Incident Commander and has crews staged in the area, who will work to restore power once CalFire determines it is safe to enter the area.
  • There are also several unplanned outages impacting customers in SDG&E’s territory, some of which are likely weather-related.
  • SDG&E crews are working as quickly and as safely as possible to restore power. However, power may remain out overnight for some customers until SDG&E crews can physically inspect equipment to ensure it is safe to re-energize.
  • Our air resources were made available at the request of CalFire and are now under their command.
  • Please contact the CalFire Public Information Officer for additional information related to the fire.

Update as of 5:20 p.m., Sept. 5, 2020

  • The Valley Fire is impacting SDG&E equipment in the vicinity of the fire
  • SDG&E has activated its Emergency Operations Center and is closely monitoring the fire
  • SDG&E is also coordinating closely with the CalFire Incident Commander and has crews staged in the area, who will work to restore power once CalFire determines it is safe to enter the area
  • Our air resources have been made available at the request of CalFire and are now under their command
  • Please contact the CalFire Public Information Officer for additional information related to the fire


Our customers are currently experiencing outages for different reasons so we're advising that you visit our Outage Map at for more info and updates. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.