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Your Support is Needed to Help Lower Energy Bills

Take action to help lower energy bills 

SDG&E is working hard to improve energy affordability and is asking for their customers’ support for new state legislation to lower energy bills by removing some charges on their energy bill. 

Energy Bill Savings  

California state legislators will be soon taking a key vote on Assembly Bill 982, which shifts the costs for certain  state-mandated  programs such as energy efficiency and energy research out of electricity rates to the state’s general fund. This shift would provide needed relief on monthly energy bills by reducing some of these add-on costs. 

These programs will continue to be offered to customers under this legislation. However, the skyrocketing costs – about $488 million in 2023 for SDG&E customers alone – are contributing to higher electricity rates.  

By shifting costs for some of these state-mandated programs to the state’s budget we can reduce SDG&E’s electricity rates by about 3%.

Send a message to the State Assembly by May 11

Take a moment to help lower bills and get this legislation signed into law by sending a message to state officials by May 11. Showing your support is quick and easy, visit where you can email your elected officials.