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Getting to Know the SDG&E Green Team with Municipal Infrastructure Advisor Taylor Sais

The SDG&E Green Team educates and empowers employees to be environmental stewards at home, work, and in their community while helping us meet our company sustainability goals. Learn more about the work this team leads thanks to stand-out Green Team members like SDG&E Municipal Infrastructure Advisor Taylor Sais

Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at SDG&E?

Hello, my name is Taylor and I started my professional career in Environmental Services at SoCalGas in 2015 and transferred to SDG&E in September of 2021. I am currently a Municipal Infrastructure Advisor in Regional Public Affairs and am the primary liaison between RPA and peer departments for SDG&E and municipal infrastructure projects. I also handle sensitive customer complaints and issue resolution with appropriate operational and/or customer teams.

Why do you care about sustainability?

I minored in Global Sustainability in college and have always had a passion for sustainability. While pursuing my education, I volunteered at the Newport Bay Conservancy conducting water samples and studying zooplankton in Newport Bay. During this time, I would come across all the trash and waste that ended up in the bay and knew that I wanted to help educate the public on sustainability initiatives and waste reduction methods.  I have been on the Board of Directors for the Newport Bay Conservancy since 2017 where we collaborate with community partners to protect and preserve the bay.

What prompted you to get involved in the SDG&E Green Team?

I was on the Sustainability Council for six years at SoCalGas and for four of those years I was their Chairperson. I regularly met with the SDG&E Green Team to collaborate on sustainability initiatives and best practices. I really enjoy collaborating with various departments on the Green Team where so many great ideas are shared and put into action.

What is a Green Team accomplishment that you are most proud of?

My favorite accomplishment of the Green Team was the installation of the Native Seed Library this last summer. This project is a perfect example of a great idea put into action. Restoring native plant communities and removing invasive species is something everyone can take part in whether it be in their own backyard or in their community.

What advice could you offer others on making more sustainable choices at work or at home?

Sustainable choices don’t have to be complicated. Being aware of your consumption is a great first step. For example, many of us already bring our coffee mugs from home to reduce paper waste in the office. The more employees engaged in sustainability contributes to the environmental stewardship shared as a company.