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Celebrating Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month with Michelle Lara Olmos

​September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month. As we near the end of the month, we continue the celebration of our incredible and dedicated employees, their work, and their stories in a special Q&A. Read along below for our last spotlight with our Community Relations Coordinator, Michelle Lara Olmos!

What are some of the things you love most about your Hispanic heritage? What are you most proud of regarding your culture? 

Some things that I love most about the Hispanic heritage is how the heritage creates such a heavily rooted culture. The Hispanic culture has a great influence worldwide and, in my case, has created values such as making time for family and spending quality time with my loved ones. My family and friends mean the world to me. I grew up with a large family and this really installed the importance of spending time with the people I care about most.  

I am most proud of how my culture embraces community and helps make everyone feel welcomed. Visiting my elderly family members and longtime family friends, I always felt at home and the irreplaceable sense of comfort. I think it is great how so many people around the world embrace the Hispanic culture because it has so much to offer! 

How has your heritage shaped who you are today? And how has it helped impact your career? 

My Hispanic heritage has shaped me in many ways, including the value of hard work and dedication. Growing up my parents always emphasized the value of hard work and how if I wanted to have a good future I needed to be dedicated and put in the work to see results. The Hispanic heritage and culture I think creates a “fighter” mentality of never giving up and always persevering no matter the obstacles you are faced with in life. My parents sacrificed many things for my family and I to have a better life. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities my parents were able to give my siblings and I from many sleepless nights and endless sacrifices.  

What are your passions outside of work? 

My passions outside of work include walking my dog Ringo, visiting different parts of San Diego, and going for hikes. I really enjoy being outside and enjoying the beautiful weather San Diego has to offer. There is always some place new to visit and explore! I also really enjoy traveling and experiencing different cultures and foods. 

Lastly, I also like to spend time volunteering at local nonprofits in South San Diego, and giving back to the community where I grew up.  

Thank you, Michelle, for all that you do for our company!

Celebrating Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month with Michelle Lara Olmos