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Climate Week: Fully Charged Podcast Covers SDG&E’s V2G Project

As we celebrate Climate Week, we’re spotlighting our vehicle-to-grid project – a prime example of how we’re adopting innovative technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen the electric grid.

Earlier this month, our Director of Clean Transportation, Jeni Reynolds, spoke with Fully Charged, a UK-based podcast that covers clean transportation, renewable energy and sustainability topics from around the globe.

Jeni sat down with show host, Robert Llewellyn, to talk about our V2G pilot, which features eight electric school buses that will “fuel up” through six bi-directional chargers that can also send electricity back to California’s grid when it is needed most. A collaboration between Cajon Valley Union School District and Nuvve, this is an exciting and innovative pilot that holds great promise for future school districts in our region and beyond.

Tune into the podcast below [minute 7:46] to hear more about how electric school buses can shape a better future for the community and the grid.