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Ashley Llacuna, Miguel Romero and Jamie Padilla Share Their Allyship Stories

You can help us create a more inclusive culture at SDG&E by being a champion for those around you.

Earlier this month, at our Diversity & Inclusion Town Hall focused on allyship in the workplace, we shared a video featuring three colleagues telling their personal stories about how allyship has made a positive impact on their careers. Watch the videos below to hear stories from Ashely Llacuna, wildfire mitigation program strategy manager, Miguel Romero, vice president of energy innovation, and Jamie Padilla, electric distribution operations team lead.

Ashley always loved math and problem-solving growing up, eventually pursuing a career in electrical engineering. As a woman in a field dominated by men, she has had to challenge stereotypes, as she shares in her video. This is particularly relevant this week as we honor Women in Engineering Day!

In her current role, she leads a team to evaluate our electric system to identify areas of high wildfire risk and develop strategies to reduce risk and the impacts of Public Safety Power Shutoffs.

Miguel, who has been with the Sempra family of companies for nearly 20 years, shared how meaningful it can be to have allies of backgrounds different from your own. He now aims to pay that forward and be a mentor for others. As vice president of energy innovation, he currently oversees SDG&E’s development of advanced clean technologies, clean transportation, and hydrogen.

Throughout her career and within her Lean In circle, Jamie has seen the positive outcomes of women championing each other.

Jamie’s mom was an engineer at SDG&E and Sempra for nearly 35 years, inspiring Jamie to pursue a similar career at the company. Jamie now leads the personnel and activities of our Distribution Control Center, focused on Distribution System Operator development and customer experience initiatives.