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Dole Foods Joins SDG&E’s Power Your Drive for Fleets Program

Power Your Drive for Fleets is the first large-scale program it its kind in the region to support medium- and heavy-duty zero-emissions vehicles, such as trucks, buses, delivery vans, forklifts and other on and off-road vehicles and equipment.

The world’s largest producer of pineapples and bananas, Dole Foods is going electric with help from SDG&E. Last week, the Fortune 500 company unveiled a few trucks from its soon-to-be all electric fleet at the Port of San Diego. The heavy-duty trucks will help unload and transport more than 45 million units of individual fruit from the Dole cargo ships that bring deliveries to the 10th Avenue Marine Terminal each week.

Through Power Your Drive for Fleets, SDG&E will support electric infrastructure for 20 new EV chargers that will be installed to power Dole’s full fleet. Dole set a goal to reach 100% electrification on their terminal by 2030 and the Port of San Diego is striving to electrify all cargo-handling equipment by the same time.

Currently transportation accounts for more than half of greenhouse gas emissions in San Diego but switching to electric vehicles can help our region and state in meet their decarbonization goals. Because these new zero-emissions trucks will replace diesel-fueled equipment, the project will also help reduce air pollution.

SDG&E’s Power Your Drive for Fleets is designed to help fleet owners and operators not only reduce emissions, but also operating costs – and simplify vehicle maintenance. The program connects businesses like Dole with resources, fleet-friendly charging rates and financial incentives to design and install the charging infrastructure needed to power medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles easily and cost-effectively.