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Earth Month Employee Spotlights: Green Team Members Carey Winston and Bronte Parker

As we celebrate Earth Month and look forward to Earth Day on April 22, we are highlighting SDG&E employees who advance our commitment to sustainability in their work and everyday lives.

This week, we are featuring SDG&E Green Team members Carey Winston and Bronte Parker. Carey, who has been with the company for nearly 25 years, is a project manager on the Business Optimization team. Bronte is a first-year rotational employee with SDG&E currently in Energy Risk Management. Learn more about their work and passion for the environment in the Q&A below.

What motivated you to join the Green Team?

Carey: I wanted to meet like-minded people, volunteer at events and mix some fun in with work.

I believe everyone plays a part in keeping our Earth clean and healthy. In this busy world sometimes we need reminders, motivation, and tips on how best to do that. Like Maya Angelou said, ‘Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.’

Bronte: As a new member of the SDG&E family, I wanted to establish meaningful relationships with my coworkers. Seeking out networking groups, such as the Green Team, that are centered around topics I care about was a wonderful way to ensure I would be able to connect with others who had similar interests. The Green Team has provided me the opportunity to make friends who will support me, and allow me to support them, in our united effort to facilitate an equitable and sustainable future for San Diego County.

How do you see sustainability playing a part in your day-to-day role at SDG&E?

Carey: In my current role, we work with fellow employees to review existing business processes and find efficiencies. This helps to create a culture of continuous improvement which in turn results in a more sustainable business.

Bronte: As a rotational employee, my journey at the company is just beginning. However, it is very clear to me that SDG&E is defining what a climate-resilient infrastructure looks like through their embrace of advanced technologies such as green hydrogen, microgrids, and energy storage. As I advance in my career, I am responsible for making decisions related to these technologies and SDG&E’s goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2045. I anticipate always asking myself and my team if our choices are furthering, or hindering, our climate goals and then adjusting our actions accordingly.

How does your passion for the environment extend to your life outside of work?

Carey: Growing up here in San Diego I spent a lot of time outdoors. That is still true today! I still love to go hiking, snowboarding, rollerblading (yes, the 90s are calling!) … you name it! I’ve always felt a deep connection to nature.

Bronte: My passion for the environment has developed from a deep concern for the future of our planet. It is my priority to do everything in my power to ensure my great-great-grandchildren can live on a healthy and thriving Earth. I want them to enjoy and respect the big blue ocean, immaculate rainforests, and mountain ranges, and appreciate every sunrise and sunset.

Outside of work, I do my best to educate myself on what I can do to make better choices and limit my carbon footprint such as holding clothing swaps with my siblings, limiting my meat intake, and reducing my use of disposable plastics. Additionally, I listen to as many podcasts and read as many books as time allows that enable me to understand not only the current global warming challenges we face, but potential solutions. Finally, I take all of this acquired information and share it with my friends, family, and coworkers!

About the Green Team 
The Green Team’s mission is to educate and empower employees to be environmental stewards at home, work, and in their community. The team leads sustainable initiatives that contribute to making SDG&E the cleanest, safest, and most reliable energy infrastructure company in America.