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SDG&E Environmental All-Stars Restore Local Habitats, One Tree at a Time  

Our company frequently mobilizes employees and their families to give back to our local environment through volunteerism through the Environmental All-Stars program. From projects that fight food insecurity to ones that beautify local neighborhoods, our Environmental All-Stars are actively making a difference in our community.  

Over the last few weeks, employees rolled up their sleeves and got to work on some of our final projects of the year. In partnership with the San Diego Audubon Society and San Diego River Park Foundation, volunteers helped restore local habitats in San Diego County by planting trees and other native vegetation.  

Restoring Sensitive Habitats  

Adjacent to the Coronado Cays, Grand Caribe Shoreline Park was designed to be a serene setting where visitors can enjoy California native plants along the park’s naturalized path. When first developed, it included only six species of native wildflowers and was the site of a rare and threatened species called Lotus Nuttalianus. Now, over one hundred of these plants thrive there, but just like many sites in our region, the park’s habitat must continue to be protected and maintained. That is why we partnered with the San Diego Audubon Society to remove invasive species and replenish the area with even more native, habitat-appropriate vegetation.   

Environmental All-Stars

For many years, we have partnered with the San Diego Audubon Society to restore local habitats. During the latest event, 30 volunteers planted 100 native plants and installed fencing to support the coastal sage scrub habitat. This is one of the most imperiled types of habitat in southern California, so it makes a massive difference for the birds, pollinators and other wildlife that use this area and the community members who like to recreate here.  

The Work Doesn’t Stop 

The work didn’t stop there. On November 13, employee volunteers joined forces, this time with San Diego River Park Foundation, a local nonprofit dedicated to the care of the San Diego River. One of the many ways they support our region’s 52-mile river-long park system is through conserving and restoring our local environment along the San Diego River and its tributaries.  

This past weekend, a group of 20 Environmental All-Star volunteers visited Eagle Peak Ranch Preserve, one of San Diego River Park Foundation’s conservation areas in Julian. With tools and shovels in hand, volunteers removed overgrown vegetation, prepared the site for planting, and transplanted potted trees, including oak seedlings from acorns collected on the preserve. In addition to planting, volunteers spread native seed mix from our seed bank.  

SDG&E Seed Bank 

When we replace a wood power pole with a steel pole, relocate a substation or disturb the natural habitat in any way, our Environmental Services team is on the ground before and after to ensure that the natural resources aren’t just maintained but improved. Also, our wildfire mitigation programs, such as the Wood-to-Steel effort, has challenged us to identify local, native plant seeds from vendors in the region. Native seeds 

Environmental All-Stars

Taking Action for the Environment  

San Diego River Park Foundation and San Diego Audubon Society rely on volunteers throughout the year to support ongoing conservation and restoration efforts across the region. Visit their respective website to learn more about how you can get involved.   

Through the Environmental All-Stars program, our employees regularly volunteer their time for a variety of projects in the community, ranging from building school gardens and installing solar panels for low-income residents to restoring habitats for endangered species. 

Despite COVID-19, Team SDG&E has continued to operate community volunteer events at a smaller scale and with increased safety guidance throughout the pandemic. Recent projects include partnerships with San Diego Canyonlands, I Love A Clean San Diego, Coastal Roots Farm, and many more.