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Employee Spotlight: Linh-Chi Hua, Capital Construction Manager

Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 

Editor’s Note: One of our core tenets as a company, championing people, is reflected in the diverse backgrounds of our employees. We believe in an inclusive, collaborative environment – one in which all parties involved seek to better their understanding of their fellow human beings. It is with this in mind that, this month, we will be highlighting our employees of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) descent. Stay tuned for this ongoing series. 

Like many of our AAPI employees, Mobile Home Park and Gas Capital Construction Manager, Linh-Chi Hua, grew up in a multi-generational family home with her parents and grandparents. Her grandparents moved to the United States to escape the violence of the Vietnam War – and she believes that this led to her family’s beliefs in hard work, perseverance and, ultimately, humility.  

Please enjoy learning about our treasured employee, Linh-Chi, her culture and her family’s work to provide her with a better life than they had. Thank you for all you do, Linh-Chi! 

How many years have you worked at SDG&E? What do you do at our company?  

I have worked at SDG&E for 16 years and just transitioned into a new role as the Mobile Home Park and Gas Capital Construction Manager within the Gas Operations Department. In my role, I oversee the implementation of the gas and electric distribution upgrades at selected mobile home parks, as well as the construction of gas capital projects such as DIMP, RAMP, etc. 

What makes you most proud of being part of the AAPI community?  

The perseverance that has been instilled in me. Growing up in a multi-generational household, I learned a lot about my grandparents’ struggle and their journey to America to escape the Vietnam War, hoping to provide a better life for their children and their future grandchildren.  

They had no money and very little resources when they came to America, but somehow managed to buy a house and support their children through college. As they got older, they helped my single mom raise me and instilled a culture of respect, hard work, humility and perseverance. 

Define and describe the most important (or most celebrated) holiday of your culture. How is/are they celebrated?  

Lunar New Year is always a fun and exciting time. This is when we get together to celebrate the coming year, provide each other well-wishes and pray to our ancestors. We make a big spread, enjoy the food, play games and give all the young children red envelopes of money as a wish of good luck in the coming year. 

What advice would you give people outside of the AAPI community to be better allies?  

Regardless of culture, religion, or ethnic background, I truly feel that approaching any person or situation with compassion and respect helps us all to become more united. Every one of us has a history and a story – experiences that shape our behaviors and perspectives.  

If we can treat all those we encounter with compassion and respect, I believe this will help us embrace and accept one another for our similarities and our diversity. 

What do you wish other people knew about SDG&E?  

What I wish people knew or realize about SDG&E is how much the company and its employees care about and give back to those in our community. I am always so inspired by the stories I hear from those such as the Mobile Home Park Program team, Customer Services Field, etc., who go out of their way to help customers in need.