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Beyond the Meter: Customer Engagement a Top Priority for Energy Leaders 

We’re excited to be included in Escalent’s recent “Cogent Utility Trusted Brand and Customer Engagement: Residential study as a 2020 Customer Champion. This study found that customer engagement with 140 of the nation’s most extensive electric and gas utilities has reached a new high. 

Many thanks are due to effective utility responses to challenges posed by the economy. 

Escalent also discovered that customers, Wall Street and regulators have made it clear that the future success of a utility depends on engagement “beyond the meter” (i.e. customer service, outreach). Three in four (76 percent) customers now state their ideal utility should excel in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG).   

These areas especially align with our core values as a company: “Champion People,” “Do the Right Thing” and “Shape the Future.”  

We are honored to be recognized as a 2020 Customer Champion and will continue to build upon this recognition by making improvements that will benefit our valued customers. Thank you to our customers, and industry counterparts, for championing such an integral aspect of this service.

About Escalent  

Escalent is a top human behavior and analytics firm specializing in industries facing disruption and business transformation. As catalysts of progress for more than 40 years, they tell stories that transform data and insight into a profound understanding of what drives human beings. And they help businesses turn those drivers into actions that build brands, enhance customer experiences and inspire product innovation. Visit to see how they are helping shape the brands that are reshaping the world.