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More than 2,000 Cars Rolled Through SDG&E’s Drive-Thru Wildfire Safety Fairs

As California continues to fight devastating wildfires SDG&E continued helping people prepare for wildfire season at the final Drive-Thru Wildfire Safety Fair held at Viejas Casino and Resort in Alpine on September 26.

On Saturday close to 800 cars drove through bringing the total number to 2,200 cars served during the SDG&E Wildfire Safety Fair series that took place in Ramona, Julian, Valley Center and Alpine and is highlighted in this Wildfire Safety Fair video.

“This was an amazing event,” said Vito Sanfilippo who attended the Valley Center fair with his family held at Bates Nut Farm. “I learned about how to store things in the cloud so when an emergency arises, and we have to get out fast I will have peace of mind knowing that my important documents are stored somewhere safe.”

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At this year’s fairs SDG&E subject matter experts consisting of Emergency Management, Wildfire Resilience & Operations, Vegetation Management, and Meteorology manned booths and shared information about Community Resource Centers, fuels reduction programs and other infrastructure and program enhancements to help reduce the PSPS impacts to customers. Community partners including the Red Cross, Cal Fire, 2-1-1 and the San Diego County Animal Services greeted and educated attendees as well.

“We were surprised and thrilled at the amount of people that came out to the drive-thru safety fairs,” said Robyn Herrick, SDGE community resiliency advisor. “We gave out more than to 2-thousand safety kit backpacks filled with solar cell phone chargers, hand crank radios, emergency kits, flashlights, power banks, toilet paper and face masks as well as information about how to develop a family evacuation plan. And now it’s time to start planning for next year,” she added.

This year due to social distancing and public health concerns as a result of COVID-19, event participants and staff were asked to wear protective face coverings or masks while interacting and discussing wildfire safety.

For more information about our commitment to wildfire safety please click here.