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SDG&E Champions People through Sustainability

​Our sustainability strategy is centered on people – employees, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. We believe that by investing in our diverse communities and highly skilled workforce, we can  collectively build a more inclusive and sustainable future for our region. Our 2021 Sustainability Strategy Update, shares our efforts to create opportunities through diversity, equity and inclusion.  

We Care

Supporting our Workforce

At SDG&E, we want our workforce to reflect the diverse communities we are proud to serve. Although diversity and inclusion have always been an important part of our company culture, the prolonged pandemic and racial justice movement have sparked more urgent action to address inequalities in our society. We have taken several steps designed to improve equity in our workplace. With a focus on listening and learning, we engaged more than 3,000 employees in conversations about their experiences with diversity, equity and inclusion both inside and outside of SDG&E. We also worked with community partners to host a series of racial justice forums for our region.

Investing in our Community

In September 2020, SDG&E joined The San Diego Foundation and others to launch the Black Community Investment Fund. The fund invests in community-led, innovative efforts that increase racial equity and generational wealth for Black San Diegans. Grants are disbursed to local organization focused on four key areas that impact economic prosperity – education, employment, housing and entrepreneurism.

Building a Diverse Supply Chain

SDG&E has a long history of partnering with diverse and small businesses. In fact, last year we purchased  $872 million in goods and services from Diverse Business Enterprises (DBEs), making 2020 the eighth consecutive year that SDG&E’s supplier diversity spending surpassed 40% of our total expenditures, about double the goal set by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Our supplier diversity program not only contributes to a vibrant local economy, it supports an equitable economic recovery, while  enhancing our ability to remain competitive.

Learn about these initiatives and others at