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Busy Intersection In Vista Beautified With Children’s Artwork And Trees
Vista Beautification Event

Beautification project is the result of collaboration between SDG&E, Boys & Girls Club and City of Vista

Today the City of Vista, Boys & Girls Club of Vista and San Diego Gas & Electric celebrated the completion of a community beautification project that added children’s paintings and 90 trees near the busy intersection of North Melrose Drive and Olive Avenue.

“This project is the culmination of many months of work, dedication and perseverance by all the partners involved,” said Brittany Applestein Syz, SDG&E’s director of environmental services and sustainability. “Kudos to the Boys & Girls Club and local kids for completing this beautiful community project despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.”

Over the past year and a half, members of the nearby Boys & Girls Club completed 10 large-scale paintings reflecting the rich history of the City of Vista, including its agricultural bounty. Some of the paintings feature avocados and strawberries and others inspirational messages. The paintings, which measure 4’ by 4’, have been installed in frames mounted on the perimeter fencing of SDG&E’s property at the northeast corner of Melrose and Olive. At a celebration held today at the site with Mayor Judy Ritter and other dignitaries, kids unveiled some of their paintings.

In addition to the artwork, SDG&E also planted a variety of trees in the area, including oaks, rhus and hummingbird trees, which have begun to attract their namesake species. The trees provide multiple benefits, such as helping to clean the air and fight climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. The trees planted at this site represents the beginning of a new tree planting initiative launched by SDG&E last year. As part of its sustainability strategy released last October, the company aims to plant 10,000 trees per year.