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RISE San Diego to Host the First of a Series of Civic Dialogues on Racial Injustice

Community conversations are funded by SDG&E grant

The death of George Floyd and other recent events have inspired renewed focus on addressing systemic racism and inequities across education, health, and other areas.

RISE San Diego, a local nonprofit whose mission includes elevating and advancing urban leadership through dialogue-based civic engagement, is building on that momentum for change by hosting a mini-series of community dialogues on how to eliminate systemic oppression, discrimination, and injustice against the San Diego Black community.

Sponsored by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), the first dialogue of the RISE Now: SUNRISE series will take place Tuesday, Aug. 11.  The event will include a panel discussion featuring prominent diverse leaders: California Assemblymember Dr. Shirley N. Weber, San Diego City Councilmember Monica Montgomery, and Teach for America San Diego Executive Director Dr. Randolph “Randy” Ward. Former San Diego City Councilmember and President/Co-founder Tony Young will be emceeing the event.

“Bringing the community together for dialogues is the first step to creating educated minds and a deeper understanding of systematic racism. With a deeper understanding as the foundation, we can collectively work toward developing progressive solutions,” said Eugene “Mitch” Mitchell, SDG&E’s vice president of state governmental affairs and external affairs. “As a long-standing member of this community, SDG&E is deeply committed to advancing racial justice and diversity in all aspects of our business, including recruitment, hiring, and contracting. Simply put, we all can and should do more.”

SDG&E’s support of the RISE San Diego’s mini-series is part of its multi-year giving campaign it announced in June to support social justice and COVID response.

“RISE is excited to bring forth some of the most eminent black leaders in San Diego to discuss the important issues that affect the black community every day, “ said Tony Young, RISE San Diego CEO. “It is our goal to continue to provide civic dialogue and resident-led policy solutions to these issues.”

Dr. Weber will kick-off the Aug. 11 event with a discussion about the vision and current efforts of the California’s Legislative Black Caucus along with District 4 Councilmember Montgomery focusing on a local perspective and Dr. Ward on education.

Future dialogues in the series will continue with a more focused and facilitated design that moves the process from ideas to action, culminating with the development of resident-led policy recommendations.

How to Join the Conversation

RISE Now: SUNRISE series kickoff

August 11, 2020, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Panelists Include: 

  • Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Assembly Member for California District 79
  • Monica Montgomery, San Diego Councilmember for District 4
  • Dr. Randolph “Randy” Ward, Executive Director of Teach for America San Diego

Register here:

About RISE San Diego

RISE San Diego’s mission is to elevate and advance urban leadership through dialogue-based civic engagement, dynamic nonprofit partnerships, and direct training and support to increase the capacity of urban residents to effect meaningful community change.

About SDG&E

SDG&E is an innovative San Diego-based energy company that provides clean, safe, and reliable energy to better the lives of the people it serves in San Diego and southern Orange counties. The company is committed to creating a sustainable future by providing around 45 percent of its electricity from renewable sources; modernizing natural gas infrastructure; accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles; supporting numerous non-profit partners; and, investing in innovative technologies to ensure the reliable operation of the region’s infrastructure for generations to come. SDG&E is a subsidiary of Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE). For more information, visit or connect with SDG&E on Twitter (@SDGE), Instagram (@SDGE) and Facebook.