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Simple Tips To Reduce Energy Use During A Flex Alert

State grid operator asks all Californians to conserve energy to help prevent power outages

In response to a voluntary Flex Alert issued by the state grid operator due to high temperatures, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) is urging customers to visit its website to learn about simple actions they can take to reduce their energy use while still staying cool.

SDG&E’s one-stop-resource,,  features a series of tried-and-true tips that can make an immediate difference. Energy conservation is particularly important during the peak hours of 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. when the grid is typically under the most stress due to waning solar energy and rising energy demand.

No-Cost Energy Savings Tips 

  • Pre-Cool Your Home. Take advantage of lower priced energy by using your A/C to cool your home before 4 p.m. During on-peak hours of 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., adjust your thermostat higher, health permitting.
  • Cool Down with a Fan. Use ceiling and/or tabletop fans to cool off and leave the thermostat at a higher temperature, health permitting. Turn off fans when you leave a room as fans cool people, not rooms.
  • Block the Sun. During the hottest part of the day, cover windows to block the sun’s heat. If you can, open windows at night and early mornings to let the cool air in.
  • Use Small Appliances. Instead of the oven, use small appliances such as a microwave, toaster oven or slow cooker. They use less energy and won’t add much heat to your home.
  • Power Down. Switch off your electronic devices, such as computers and coffee pots, when not in use. Keep in mind, electronics in standby mode still draw power. Use a power strip to power down devices and appliances at one time. 
  • Shifting use. Shift some energy use – such as running a dishwasher or clothes washer – outside the on-peak hours of 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., when demand on the electric grid is typically highest and the cost of electricity is the highest.

Power Saver Rewards: Getting Paid to Conserve

As another incentive to conserve energy, customers who are enrolled in the Power Saver Rewards Program will receive a bill credit for verified reduction in energy use during a Flex Alert. Enrollment in the program is voluntary. Those who are not enrolled are encouraged to learn more on SDG&E’s Power Saver Rewards website.  

Learn more about Flex Alerts and sign up to receive notifications at Flex Alert: energy conservation tips, save energy on high demand days in California.